About the Brown Recluse

The Loxosceles reclusa, or the Brown Recluse, is probably the most infamous spider, other than the Black Widow. I, and many others, think that this infamy is not deserved. This spider is not harmful, and if you're scared of its venom, you shouldnt! Its very, very unlikely to bite you. It'll just sit there, or run away!

Its venom is medically signifigant, but not fatal. It depends on wether its a minor bite, to a VERY urgent one. Symptoms can be like a mild bee sting, to lesions/tissue damage. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, in fact, I find it very interesting, but its good to be aware of what these guys can do! Just know that its not fatal, but it might cause tissue damage and a lot of bad memories.

Remember: they're called the Brown Recluse for a reason. You probably wont ever see them, unless you're doing something like moving furniture, where you might see one.

These spiders are mostly found in places like Texas, Florida, Louisiana, and other places in the south central and Midwestern United States. Some places they simply just aren't found, like in California, for example. Simply look it up, and see if there are any in your area!

Now that you know a bit about this spider, how do you take care of one?

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